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ISEI International Doctorate Hub is an international capacity building space for doctoral schools and doctorate students, as well as doctorate hubs in which individuals and organizations from different countries create and improve the international professional environment, sharing best practices, skills, knowledge, tools that allows doctorate level students, doctorate schools and doctorate hubs to perform with a greater capacity (larger international of scale, larger international audience, larger international impact, larger international opportunities).

Doctorate community capacity building is a conceptual approach toward social and behavioral change and leads to global infrastructure and opportunities development. It focuses on understanding the new joint international possibilities that give doctorate schools and doctorate students to provide sustainable results by exchanging best practices at the international level.

The term community capacity building emerged, in the context of international development, during the 1990s. Today, "community capacity building" is included in the programs of most international organizations that work in development. This includes organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations, and non-governmental organizations like Oxfam International. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17 advocates for enhanced international support for capacity building in developing countries to support national plans to implement the 2030 Agenda.

The UNDP outlines that community capacity building takes place at an individual, an institutional, societal level and non-training level.

ISEI International Doctorate Hub provides international capacity building effects at two levels: individual (Doctorate Students Level) and institutional (Doctorate Schools and Doctoral Hubs Level).

  1. Doctorate Students Level – ISEI International Doctorate Hub provides to allow individual participants to build and enhance knowledge and skills at international level and looking for international opportunities for personal professional growth, careers building, and international professional environment creation with a greater capacity (larger international of scale, larger international audience, larger international impact, and larger international opportunities)

  2. Doctorate Schools Level – ISEI International Doctorate Hub provides international environment for exchanging best practices of modernizing and forming sound international policies, organizational structures, using effective methods of management, creating new international partnerships, double, joint and networking international doctorate programs, mobility programs and knowledge transfer systems with a greater capacity (larger international of scale, larger international audience, larger international impact, larger international opportunities)

  3. Doctorate Hubs Level – ISEI International Doctorate Hub provides international environment for exchanging best practices of modernizing and forming sound international policies, organizational structures, using best practices and effective methods of management, creating new international partnerships, international doctorate projects with a greater capacity (larger international of scale, larger international audience, larger international impact, larger international opportunities)

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